Top Five Reasons To Teach English In A Private Academy In South Korea
June 24, 2003
by Lauren Kravetsky 


I was asked to write an article for the EWHA (English school) June newspaper. However, my humor wasn't conducive to the goals of the "student retention plan", so it was not published. (Actually, my director said, the writing piece would be more acceptable for the July paper --- I think because the hot summer months make the parents delirious, which apparently is a preferable mindframe for my writing.) Anyways, I thought I'd share my top 5 with you all, so you could form a clearer picture of the perks of teaching English (as a foreigner). ...

1) Each teacher gets his/her very own art department, known as the student body (perfect for greeting cards, birthday cards, posters). The students all attend private afterschool art academies, in addition to the English academies, music academies, math academies, computer academies, etc... they already attend.

If we, English teachers, can give our students even half the return on investment the art hagwon has given them, then we'll have the kids not only illustrating our cards home, but writing them as well.

2) All of our classrooms are named after American states. In the dead of winter it's nice and hot in Ohio and in mid-summer Arizona is actually the state that provides the greatest relief from the sweltering heat (by some glitch in the aircon' system)

3) Teachers' Day!!!! The inherent flaw in Mother's Day is that since the present is for mom, there is no one with good taste to help kids choose the perfect gift (mom gets the shaft). This problem has been solved ("and how") with Teachers' Day. Yearly, we receive beautiful and/or tasty presents with all the appreciation from our children and all the discernment of mom (all without the pain of childbirth).

4) The freedom to name and rename our companions, at will. I have a (Carl) Sagan, an Alana, an Alix, a Paparino and more. The real beauty of this privilege is that there aren't mounds of paperwork involved. In fact, there's truly just one paper to rework, the class attendance sheet.

If anyone wants me to name one or two of the kids after them or has any other suggestions, no problem; just email. I'll keep you updated on how you and your student are performing and what they (you) could improve.

5) The warm feeling in my heart that comes from contributing to a child's flame of knowledge. Oh no, the warm feeling is moving into my central chest cavity and working it's way down to my duodenum. It's starting to burn. Must have been the kimchi* from lunch.

..... Well, that's my list. Wish it was longer, but it's not. Some teachers wish theirs could be as long as mine, so I can't complain.


*KIMCHI- also spelled Kimchee, the spicy, fermented pickle that invariably accompanies a Korean meal; [taken from Encyclopaedia Britannica online].

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